Deep Peace LLC was founded by Nancy C Murray in 2005 to bring the gifts of Kripalu yoga to the greater Hartford, CT area.  Through the years, she has grown into other healing modalities including Shamanic energy medicine, Reiki and Yoga Therapy. In addition, she leads transformational pilgrimages with other leaders in their fields.  Local classes and treatments are in West Hartford, CT, and all services are available through Zoom.


Nancy C Murray


Nancy C. Murray, E-RYT 500, YACEP, C-IYAT, is a certified Kripalu yoga teacher and a professional level Pranakriya Yoga teacher who has been practicing for over 20 years and teaching over 15 years.  She is also a Pranakriya yoga therapist. She was attuned to Reiki levels one, two and the master level by Brett Bevell. In 2021 she earned her Master Practitioner of Energy Medicine certificate from The Four Winds. She is a member of the Yoga Alliance and the International Association of Yoga Therapists. 

It is her supreme joy to facilitate connecting people to a life of light and joy. 

Nancy's unique style of yoga teaching incorporates themes into each of her classes.  All classes are appropriate for people of all ages and abilities.

Nancy began leading trips in college while the manager for the Harvard swim team.  She is thrilled to be able to combine her love for leading travel groups with her love for teaching and learning about spirituality by leading pilgrimages.

Prior to becoming a yoga teacher, Nancy was a CPA for eight years in the audit division of a large accounting firm and for ten years working on her own. She was the founding board chair of the Copper Beech Institute.

Nancy is the mother of two adult children, Helena and George.

My transformation journey

When I look at pictures of myself as a young child, I can see that I exuded joy. I knew that I was loved by my parents and big brother, and, like many fortunate people, have fond memories of my early childhood. It was when I entered school that I began to wonder if I fit in. I was a little quirky and found it difficult to figure out how to be in the world. I think I was a seeker from the beginning but didn’t have the language for it yet. I have continually sought new ways of being throughout my life.

As a teenager, I excelled in school and enjoyed different extracurriculars such as tutoring, editing the school’s literary magazine, and managing some sports teams, all of which I loved!

I was fortunate to have strong role models in my mother, aunts and grandmothers who helped me to know that I could excel at anything that I wanted to. I applied this attitude to my school work and earned a spot in the Harvard class of 1987. My years at Harvard were some of the happiest of my life! It was during that time that I was able to let go of my sense of perfectionism and just enjoy learning and being among other motivated people.

After graduating, I found the perfect job for me at the time, working as a Certified Public Accountant. I enjoyed working in the audit division of Arthur Andersen, advising clients in many different industries and teaching new staff. After some time (and a lot of hard work) I was in high demand. The more that I did well, the more I was asked to do, and the more I was asked to do, the more I agreed to do. I became all too familiar with a pervasive sense of stress that I knew wasn’t sustainable. When I gave birth to my daughter in 1995, I retired from public accounting and worked on my own as a consulting accountant. 


My life began to change in 1997 with the sudden death of my mother when she was just 60 years old. I had the gift of being there when she died, and an energetic experience at that time made me realize that the universe was much different than it appeared to the naked eye. I began reading books by James Van Pragh, among others.

Within a year, I became pregnant with my son and I was drawn again and again to a description of a yoga class offered by our town’s leisure services. After he was born, I began taking that class and that’s when my life really began to shift. I had always approached understanding the world through my mind and not through my body but I knew after my first class that I would be doing yoga the rest of my life, and after the second class, that I would someday be a yoga teacher myself. The sense of peace and connection to something greater that I felt even after one class was life changing.

In the ensuing years, I practiced yoga, and spent a lot of time studying with many teachers, both reading and in person. I went to Kripalu with friends at least once a year, and went to a conference in New York put on by the Omega institute every winter. My family and I would travel to Omega in summers so that I could learn from a master teacher and my kids could enjoy the children’s programs there. I have been fortunate to attend workshops led by John Holland, James Van Pragh, Carolyn Myss, Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, Brian Weiss and many others. These workshops expanded my spiritual experience along with yoga.

It was a joy in 2005 when I was finally able to go to Kripalu to complete my 200 hour yoga teacher training. I was lucky that a master Kripalu teacher, Yoganand Michael Carroll, founded the Pranakriya School, which offered advanced training around the country, including at Samadhi Yoga Studio in Manchester, Connecticut. I was able to complete my 500 hour professional level training with him as well as my yoga therapy certification with his school.

When I became a yoga therapist, I decided that I would complement it by learning Reiki. I was attuned to Reiki levels 1 and 2 by Brett Bevell in 2011 and have been practicing ever since then. I received my master level attunement from him in 2017 and began to instruct others.

In the inward time of 2020, I began studying Shamanic energy medicine with the Four Winds. I found that this world view and training is a great codification of things that I had discovered on my own throughout my life experiences. In 2021, I earned my certificate as a master practitioner of energy medicine.

It is my great joy to share the depth of my spiritual practice and healing ability with those who come to my classes weekly, and those who come to my healing sessions. I have built upon my offerings by creating a course designed to connect people to their original sense of light heartedness. I also have had the privilege to walk with many on pilgrimage, and it is my hope that I can be of service to you!